6 Reasons You Should Choose Forest School

We’re biased, of course! But plenty of studies have demonstrated that Forest School offers several benefits for children. Here are six key advantages:

 1. Nature connection

Forest School provides children with the opportunity to connect with nature on a regular basis. This connection has been shown to improve mental well-being, reduce stress, and enhance overall happiness. Not to mention, it improves children’s immune systems.

 2. Physical development

Engaging in outdoor activities at Forest School promotes physical development. Children can run, climb, jump, and explore, which helps improve their coordination, balance, and overall fitness.

 Major motor movements are important to practice so children become more capable and confident in navigating their environment and participating in physical activities.

 3. Cognitive development

Forest School encourages problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. Children are exposed to new challenges that they wouldn’t necessarily find in an indoor classroom. This helps them learn to adapt to different environments, stimulating their cognitive abilities.

 4. Social skills

Forest School promotes teamwork, communication, and cooperation among children. They learn to interact with their peers, share resources, and collaborate on tasks, fostering the development of important social skills.

 5. Emotional well-being

Spending time in nature has a positive impact on children's emotional well-being. Forest School provides a calming and nurturing environment, allowing children to develop resilience, self-confidence, and emotional intelligence.

 6. Environmental awareness

Forest School instills a sense of environmental responsibility in children. They learn about the importance of conservation, sustainability, and respecting the natural world, fostering a lifelong appreciation for the environment.

These benefits make Forest School a valuable educational approach that supports a whole range of development in children. Please email info@footprintsonthemoon.co.uk for information on when your child can begin their Forest School journey!


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